I like to be crafty so when it came to save the dates, I really wanted to do them myself. Also, I understand that people get tons of stuff in the mail everyday, and anything I sent could be easily lost. Ryan and I thought that magnets would be a good idea (easier to keep up with it--just stick it to the fridge!), but I still wanted to do it myself, so I looked around and found a DIY magnet kit online. I came up with a design, playing off of my bridesmaid cards (Ryan's suggestion of playing off of his groomsmen invites was vetoed), drew it, scanned it, and followed the instructions that came with the kit to format our magnets. The kit came with a test sheet, so I ran that through the printer. It looked great, so I moved on to the first magnet. The design was out of place by an inch or two, causing the bottom to be completely cut off. Apparently magnets don't go through a printer the same way that paper does. I adjusted the design down and tried again, but now the printer's ink was running out. I changed the cartridge and for some reason it didn't align properly, so on the next magnet I tried, the placement was good but the picture was printed twice, like how 3D looks when you don't have on the glasses. After trial run after trial run after trial run and what seemed like hours and hours and hours of frustration, I finally figured out a system that worked. I definitely put the whole "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again" thing to work. Only with about 20 billion more tries in there. I ended up loving the result though, so it paid off!