Sunday, September 21, 2008


I have decided that computer programming is not my thing.  One would think that when one downloads a template to use on one's blog that all one would have to do is copy and paste into one's edit html tab.  Not so.  The problem is I have no clue what is required so unless I have a breakthrough and become suddenly fluent in html or xml or whatever it is, my blog will be forced to keep its current template.  This would not be so bad except now that I know there is a whole world of amazing templates out there that are off limits to me simply because of my technology shortcomings, I know I will not be satisfied.  Oh to be a tech nerd!

1 comment:

Mrs.H said...

You are in college, my dear...
tech nerds are around every corner, ripe for the picking. The problem is that YOU want to be the one to fix this shortcoming. I know how you are: so much like me in matters like this! NO, I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP, I JUST WANT YOUR ABILITY!!!

P.S. I'm glad you made it back safely.