Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cartography At Its Finest

We are studying earthquakes in my Natural Hazards class, so when this map showed up on the teacher's power point presentation the other day, at first I just looked at the red areas and ignored everything else, but then the girl next to me drew my attention our wonderful state of Mississippi. I wasn't aware we'd acquired new territory.


chas3r said...

Whoever made the map thought that the border for mississippi was the river all the way to the mouth. I don't know that that has ever been the border in the whole time we've been a state and/or a territory...

tank said...

I started reading and got to "red areas" and looked down at the map. I thought, MS sure looks peculiar.

Then I finished reading.

Mrs.H said...

It looks like Mississippi is pregnant and the baby has dropped!