Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Tuesdays and Thursdays are not fun days for me. I have an 8:oo class followed by another at 9:30, another at 11:00, and on Thursdays yet another at 1:00. It does not help that these are all classes that I really can't miss without being completely lost like Physics II and Differential Equations. My first class is Natural Hazards, and while I guess I could skip it and still pass, how would that look if I skipped out on my one class that was actually somewhat related to my major?

This morning when my alarm went off, I grudgingly (and more grudgingly than usual because it's Mardi Gras; we're not supposed to be in class) got out of bed, shuffled to the bathroom, and began my too-early-in-the-morning routine to get ready for my day. I was feeling lazy, so I skipped a few steps (don't worry, nothing important like teeth brushing or deodorant putting on) and headed out to class a little early. I got all the way to my class (which happens to be on the third floor so I had to hike up two flights of stairs after hiking down two flights of stairs because my room is also on the third floor) only to find a sign on the door that said all geography and geology classes for the day have been canceled. I hate when they do that! If it's my last class of the day so I was out and about already it's not such a big deal, but when I could have slept an extra hour and a half but didn't because I thought I had class it's downright aggravating. Now what am I going to do with myself for the next hour?

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